Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm baa-ack

Its been several weeks since I have updated my blog. I'd like to say its because I have been on an exotic trip or I've been busy creating world peace....but not so. I've just been uninspired and unable to come up with a theme that I felt was blog worthy. But after a gentle hint from cousin Elaine, I decided I would just share some of my recent pictures taken whilst walking Tucker.

We've been having a wide range of weather this fall. Last weekend the temperatures went up to 21 degrees and this week we had some flurries. This is a view of the Bay of Islands from the pipeline. You can see a puff of steam from the paper mill but snow is obscuring the bay.

Tucker is looking at my praying bench. This is a bench on a hill overlooking Corner Brook. I call it my praying bench because I often sit there and meditate or give thanks. I chose not to sit this day as I wasn't wearing snowpants.

The pipeline which runs from 3 Mile Dam and supplies power to the paper mill, is often spouting water. This makes for some interesting ice formations in the winter.

When I look out my back door I am facing my neighbours back steps and this nice birch tree which hadn't lost all of its leaves when we had our first snowfall.

Nor had my leaves been collected for composting.
Tucker and I love winter and can't wait to get some proper snow. This fluff is just a tease.

Princess Cali, on the other hand, is starting to develop some stiffness in her joints and would just as soon relax on a cozy blanket.


A Scattering said...

yay! Good photos and it's nice to catch up on your weather. Tucker always adds a 'je ne sais quois' to any blog entry.

Anonymous said...

Tucker loves winter!