Saturday, April 26, 2008

Signs of spring -part 3

Once again I went, armed with my digital camera, in search of more signs of spring. I must admit, its getting easier, though winter hasn't completely checked out yet. There is still snow in my back yard and in the woods.

You again....don't you ever stay home?

Pissdabeds! You may know them as coltsfoot ma'am..... a dandelion-like flower.

Some crocuses from my garden.

More crocuses!

What would spring be without some Pussy Willows.........

Now this defintely reminds me of spring. I love hanging out clothes, and I do so as soon as the weather permits. This, however, is my neighbours clothesline and the picture was taken a week ago. There is a little less snow in the backyard this week.

This is Jesse, Mikki and Cali flaked out on my sofa in the den. It has nothing to do with spring but was too cute not to share. Tucker was napping elsewhere in the house. Time for me to get a new dog blanket I think.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Signs of Spring ~ Part 2

Well the second week of spring is here and gone. It brought with it a mixed bag of weather, mild for a few days and then a bit of a spring blizzard and around 10 cm of new snow. So once again it was a challenge finding some signs of spring. But find them I did. Tucker helped.

This is the crosswalk at the bottom of my street. Cars seldom actually stop at this particular intesection which makes crossing it a challenge at the best of times. In the spring it's a a small pond of water which makes crossing it even more challenging.

They must have heard me complaining, because on our way back to the house Tucker and I saw some city workers filling in the pot holes with bags of asphalt. This is the temporary-pot-hole-fixer kind of asphalt that flies out of the pothole as soon as someone drives over it. Oh well. Its the thought that counts.

We saw three signs of spring while walking around the Glynmill Inn Pond.

There was one patch of bare ground up on a bank!

The swans are back out in the pond. Yes Sara, I know they are mean, but you would be mean too if you had your feet and ass in this cold water all day long....hssssssssss!

And a late blooming mitten tree. They usually bloom in late fall but this one seemsto be confused this year, perhaps because of the long, snowy winter. I'm still searching for a leather glove tree.

This is the most unusual sign of spring that I saw this week. This picture was taken today while I was snowshoeing along the pipeline. the pipeline is actually underneath all of this snow. In the non-snow seasons there are many places along the pipleine where it has sprung a leak. I am guessing that the heat of the spring sun has allowed this one to "Spring" forth, creating a lovely ice-fountain. Cool!