ABC Wednesday
L is for Ladyslippers
L is for Ladyslippers. Ladyslippers are wild orchids. We have 3 varieties growing in our area. They bloom in late June and Early July. As we still have a significant amount of snow cover, I had to use pictures that I took last summer. Our snow is melting and I am looking forward to seeing these beauties again
This is the Showy Ladyslipper. It grows in open areas in large masses. They are spectacular and are sometimes as tall as 3 feet.
Pink Ladyslippers on the other hand are much smaller. They are a deeper pink and are more likely to be found in forested areas with little undergrowth. You have to look for them as they often stand alone. The word Orchid comes from the Greek word for testicles...... And we also have Yellow Ladyslippers. They are much smaller than the Showy Ladyslippers but also grow in open areas and in clusters. Some of them have red markings on their leaves.
I am so looking forward to seeing these orchids in bloom again.
For more pictures brought to you by the letter L please visit ABC Wednesday.